To: Barbara Legate <>
Date: 22/06/2010 13:14:09 UTC
Subject: Re: Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA

In this particular case, on the facts of this case paras. 14-16, and other places. But, the ONCA specifically said there might be cases were a fetus born alive cannot sue in Ontario.

[14]          We recognize that, in the future, the reasoning in Bovingdon and Paxton may be brought to bear in other cases involving post-conception negligence.  Indeed, in written and oral argument, counsel ventured opinions on a wide range of issues and possible scenarios extending well beyond the narrow compass of the facts of this case.

[15]          However, in our view, it is neither necessary nor desirable for this court in this case to attempt to set out comprehensively the duties owed and the potential liability of heath care providers in relation to all manner of injuries to infants arising from negligence before birth.

[16]          It is unnecessary as the facts of this case fall within the familiar and well-established category of labour and delivery cases where it has never been seriously questioned that negligent health care providers are liable.  As we can decide this case on the basis of this body of case law, we need not venture into less familiar territory or speculate as to how the law might evolve with respect to other scenarios.

You got what you need. Congrats. OTLA didn't get the general declration it wanted. On the other hand, the CMPA didn't get what it seemingly wanted, in the specific or the general.

From: Barbara Legate <>
Sent: Tue, June 22, 2010 8:13:31 AM
Subject: Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA

Fetus born alive can still sue in Ontario . Unanimous panel of 5, including author of Paxton v Ramji (accutane case) and Bovingdon (clomid case) was on the panel.

No Cooper-Anns analysis needed for a “garden variety” claim.





From: Barbara Legate <>
Sent: Tue, June 22, 2010 8:13:31 AM
Subject: Liebig v Guelph General et al Ont CA

Fetus born alive can still sue in Ontario . Unanimous panel of 5, including author of Paxton v Ramji (accutane case) and Bovingdon (clomid case) was on the panel.

No Cooper-Anns analysis needed for a “garden variety” claim.

